Carvin V3 Midi Setup Chart

Carvin V3 Midi Setup Logic Pro. Or you can quickly configure it to be used with any traditional MIDI controller by associating patches to. Equalization Chart. Without explicit written permission from. Carvin, Quad X-Amp, QuikGate, Cabinet. Voicing, and Tube Cascade are trademarks of Carvin Corp. If the problem is with channel 3 then check V2, V3, and V4 by listening to the amp's output while you tap (pluck). MIDI Channel Configuration Chart.

Trying to wrap my head around how to set this up. Please let me know if my thought process is correct.

Currently running 4CM: Wireless =>Tuner =>Wah =>NS2 In =>NS2 Snd =>AmpRtn AmpSnd =>Chorus =>Flange =>Phaser =>Delay =>NS2 Rtn NS2 Out =>Amp In 3 Amp channels, Clean, Rock & Metal The problem is going from full on metal to a clean with chorus or the like. Wah sounds best in front of the amp and its switchless (Crybaby), so that's not usually an issue.

I'm thinking of getting the: GCP - Ground Control Pro GCX - Switcher Lab Control Switcher From the research I have done, it looks like the V3M, although not midi, the lab control switcher, the multi out will channel change the V3M including boost. So with some programming can I do channel and effects changing with everything I've listed?

Anyone have the V3M? Is my logic flawed? Thanks in advance. _________________ -Chadster. I am not following the logic behind how you're using the NS-2 loop.

Wireless =>Tuner =>Wah =>NS2 In =>NS2 Snd =>AmpRtn AmpSnd =>Chorus =>Flange =>Phaser =>Delay =>NS2 Rtn NS2 Out =>Amp In As described above, the signal routing makes no sense. You show the NS-2 Loop Send is going to your amp's FX Return jack, so there's really nothing in the loop itself. Then you're routing your amp's FX Send through four modulation effects into the NS-2 Loop Return and then from the NS-2 to the front of your amp, so if you take the effects out of the equation you're feeding your amp's FX Send directly to your amp's Input, again without actually running anything through the NS-2 Loop. Given that the wireless, tuner, wah, and effects pedal positions won't change, you've got two options here, and both put your effects in the NS-2 Loop as follows: NS-2 Loop Send =>Chorus =>Flange =>Phaser =>Delay =>NS-2 Loop Return Option 1: Effects pedals in front of your amp Wah =>NS-2 In Effects in NS-2 Loop NS-2 Out =>Amp Input Option 2: Effects pedals in amp's FX Loop Wah =>Amp Input Amp FX Loop Send =>NS-2 In Effects in NS-2 Loop NS-2 Out =>Amp FX Loop Return So much for the signal routing. Now either a GCX or a Control Switcher will let you change channels on the VM3, but neither will let you do anything with the Boost. I got this driectly from the VM3 Operating Manual: 27.

BOOST LEVEL CONTROL Use the rear panel BOOST LEVEL to add up to 6 dB of volume boost for solos. This function can be only turned off/on with the FS44L-V3M footswitch. Without the FS44L-V3M footswitch the BOOST is left ON; in this case the BOOST LEVEL affects the volume of the amp, acting as an effect loop return level. The front panel GREEN LED will light when the BOOST function is ON.

_________________ I am not affiliated with Voodoo Lab in any way, just sharing what little MIDI and signal routing knowledge I have. If you found my assistance helpful, please pay it forward. I've been using an NS-2 for so long I can't remember how many years it's been, and after tracing your signal routing through the connections you described, I still believe your actually bypassing the loop entirely.

The post on the Carvin forum you are referencing is a little bit misleading because, although the Control Switcher itself receives MIDI information from an outboard MIDI Foot Controller, it doesn't really 'add' MIDI capabilities to any amplifier. It merely takes incoming MIDI info and translates it into Normal, Reverse, or Momentary Switching info that it passes on to an amp, either via the four Control Jacks or a 5-pin DIN cable. The DIN/MIDI cable works by shorting out two of the pins which, in turn, activate a particular switching function on the amp depending upon which two pins are shorted out. I know I'm splitting hairs there, but thought a little clarification might be in order. That being said, I believe I can retract my previous statement. It is entirely possible that, using the Control Switcher's MULTI Connector, you will be able to control the Boost function on the VM3 as well as channel switching. Let us know how you make out, and also how you like the VM3.

It looks like an interesting little amp. _________________ I am not affiliated with Voodoo Lab in any way, just sharing what little MIDI and signal routing knowledge I have. If you found my assistance helpful, please pay it forward.

I've been using an NS-2 for so long I can't remember how many years it's been, and after tracing your signal routing through the connections you described, I still believe your actually bypassing the loop entirely. The post on the Carvin forum you are referencing is a little bit misleading because, although the Control Switcher itself receives MIDI information from an outboard MIDI Foot Controller, it doesn't really 'add' MIDI capabilities to any amplifier.

It merely takes incoming MIDI info and translates it into Normal, Reverse, or Momentary Switching info that it passes on to an amp, either via the four Control Jacks or a 5-pin DIN cable. The DIN/MIDI cable works by shorting out two of the pins which, in turn, activate a particular switching function on the amp depending upon which two pins are shorted out. I know I'm splitting hairs there, but thought a little clarification might be in order. That being said, I believe I can retract my previous statement. It is entirely possible that, using the Control Switcher's MULTI Connector, you will be able to control the Boost function on the VM3 as well as channel switching. Chupa Up In Da Club Mp3 Download. Let us know how you make out, and also how you like the VM3.

It looks like an interesting little amp. _________________ -Chadster. Here is a diagram of the Carvin and Control Switcher integration.

(I threw in the Carvin 4-button Footswitch schematic as well) With this set-up, you will be able to access all four Footswitch functions on the V3M and all you need, between the Carvin Footswitch Jack and the Control Switcher Multi-out Connector, is a 5-Pin Midi Cable with all 5 wires straight through (most midi cables only connect pins 1, 2, and 3 straight through) The Control Switcher will give you Very-Powerful-Control for your amp! I hope this helps seeya Joe _________________. Thank you for the diagram, I can get the voodoo to change amp channels including boost. Now its just a matter of deciding if I want to try the GCP/GCX. I'm thinking I could save a few $ if I could use the X3Live for effects but I seem to have failed on the 4CM set up, I think I'm only getting the power amp portion of the V3M, because regardless of channel everything is clean. Here's the setup I'm using straight from L6 FAQ: Instrument >X3Live guitar in X3Live effect loop send >instrument input of amplifier Amplifier effect loop send >X3Live effect loop return X3 line output >Amplifier effect loop return. _________________ -Chadster.

As an experiment, you could try putting the X3 effects directly in the Carvin FX Loop by connecting the Carvin FX Send to the X3 Guitar In and then running the X3 L/MONO Output back to the Carvin FX Return. Be sure to turn off the amp modeling in the X3. This won't give you the full versatility of the 4CM, but if you do this and everything is still clean, you'll know the channel switching isn't working properly.

On a side note, I'm originally from the Lehigh Valley and will be in the area next weekend. Gigging anywhere? _________________ I am not affiliated with Voodoo Lab in any way, just sharing what little MIDI and signal routing knowledge I have. If you found my assistance helpful, please pay it forward.

Click to expand.LOL, I didn't know the boss ms-3 was a loop switch as well. So it is a loop switch AND a multi effects unit. When you are using modeling are you using the output of the AA12? What is the AA12 outputting to?

What i mean is when your carvin is being used, you would put a microphone on it. When using the aa12, what is amplifying it? Sounds like your going to need to set up 4cm with the aa12 in one of the programable effects loops on the ms3. I think I can walk you through it, but it will take some discussion.

90%s sure you will be starting with 4cm (4 cable method), hopefully you know what that is. A brief look at the units (and assuming you want the output of the aa12 to go to your carvins power amp section when modeling) it would go like this. Guitar into 'input' of MS3. To setup carvin preamp to be turn on and off Loop 1 send of ms3 to carvin 'input' on front of amp'.

'EFF Send' on back of carvin head to loop1 'return' on MS3. To setup aa12 to be in and out of loop Loop2 'Send' of ms3 to aa12 input. Aa12 line out to loop2 'return' of ms3 Output of ms3 to 'EFF REturn' of Carvin amp. That would be the wiring, now you will have to program presets that choose which loop is on (one or two in this case) and what additional effects you wish to use. Also, you will need to program the ms3 to switch channels on the carvin amp where appropriate. Hello Tucopeat and welcome to the forum. I think I have the same basic setup you are asking about using the 4CM with the MS-3, AmpliFIRE 3 and Mesa TC-50.

Everything works great as long as the MS-3 is setup correctly. I have the output preference set to system and all patches are L+R output. AmpliFIRE in MS-3 loop 3 and TC-50 in loop 2. If I have a gig where I am using the AmpliFIRE only the FRFR monitor is connected to one of the Main Outputs and Aux Output to FOH. When using the TC-50 I can use it's preamps or the AmpliFIRE's preamps. I started by mapping the MS-3 to my existing AmpliFIRE patches but they are louder than the TC-50 preamp so I had to copy the ones I wanted to use to a new location and edit each patch's output level so everything was balanced with the Mesa.

Interpersonal And Group Dynamics Ebook Library. For patches using the AmpliFIRE preamps loop 3 is on, loop 2 off. Using the TC-50 preamp loop 3 off and loop 2 on. Pictures might explain it more easily.

AmpliFIRE connected 4CM to the MS-3 and a snake cable goes to the TC-50. That pedal in the upper right is just sitting there while experimenting with something else.

Wiring diagram for 4CM and does not include non related items like switches, pedals and MIDI cables. I didn't want it too cluttered and those things don't require explanation. Again, I only connect the FRFR monitor when using only the AmpliFIRE direct.