Cracked Refractory Panel Fireplace Repair

How To Install Proline Strap Locks. I recently had my chimney swept and was told that I have 2 cracks on the existing panels. He instructed me that the only good fix was to replace them both. The bottom panel has a crack through the center, and the back panel has a vertical crack. I was told that the individual cost of these panels is in the area of $500. Can I repair the existing panels, or perform the work myself? Are there repairs for this?

Cracked Refractory Panel Fireplace Repair

What about placing a steel grate on/over the bottom panel (to prevent fire or heat from passing through and possibly causing the wood support structure to flash)? Can you direct me to where I can find more information regarding this type of repair? Is this a zero clearance unit? (metal unit w/ concrete panels at the sides, back and bottom)If it is, the panels are removable. They are held in with clips.

In a masonry fireplace, firebrick is used to construct the firebox. Refractory brick panels line the firebox of a prefabricated metal fireplace. In both cases, the bricks and fireclay mortar are designed to withstand extreme temperatures. However, over time, the brick, mortar, or panels can crack and crumble, creating a serious fire.

You can replace these yourself. You need to remove the front portion of the fireplace to access the panels properly. A friend was quoted a high price by a chimney sweep for his cracked panels and he replaced them himself for a 1/3 of the cost.

( I forget how much) He got his panels over the internet. Be careful, his first set arrived damaged. If it is a zero clearance unit, under the firebox where the fan is or should be you'll find the info on the unit.

There should be metal info tags or a data plate. These are usually firebrick panels. I have a wood burning 0 clearance fireplace insert. It has 4 firebrick panels (3 sides plus bottom). If the cracks have wide cracks (you can stick a toothpick all the way through) you should replace the panels - if you can find them. I cannot find the ones for my fireplace - the manufacturer went out of business and it's 18 years old. You should not use panels from a different manufacturer.

To fix the cracks in my panels, I got hydraulic refractory cement and I parged (layered a thick coat over) the panels. Then I made brick impressions with the back of the trowel. My wife didn't like the looks, but after a few fires it looks bad and aged again (which to her it means nicely rustic.? Go to a mason supplies specialty shop.

They'll have this type of cement and possibly other options. Another option is to get a mason to remove the panels and build a firebox from firebricks from scratch. This look better than the parging method I used.

If you decide to replace the panels, I would suggest you consider replacing the whole insert instead, particularly if your insert is oer 15 years old. Chances are a good new wood insert will be more energy efficient and safer than what you got. Some links of interest: Cheers! Fact: Even though the unit may be called a 'zero clearence', it still requires you to maintain at least 1/2' to combustibles during installation. I prefer to call these units prefabricated boxes or PRE-FABS. I can tell you that most pre-fab manufacturers quit selling and making replacement panels for units over 10 years old.

Manufacturers do this because of new styles, improvements,etc. It's no different than a 1955 Chevy bel-air. Chevrolet only made parts for it for so long.

After so long, you have to find someone that specializes in fabricating special or custom parts. Getting back to Pre-Fabs. No matter what, you CAN NOT change, add, subtract or modify a pre-fab unit in anyway, form or fashion. You will void the UL listing and if you are a professional working on a customers fireplace and change, add, subtract or modify the pre-fab in any form or fashion and lose of property or life results, than you may be held liable! Also, cracked panels can never be repaired!! They should be replaced with the same manufacturers replacement panel. IF for some reason they are no longer available through the manufacturer, they can be made by a company that specializes in making custom/specific refractory panels.

I'm a Professional Chimney Sweep and have been, now, for 18 years. I can tell you that if you are paying over $400 per panel installed, than you may very well be over paying for that service and product. Shipment of this particular product should not be taken lightly. Driver Ethernet Controller Pci Ven_8086. It pays to get it shipped un-damaged that first time.

I recommmend The UPS Store, they can pick-up the panels and pack them securely and it will be insured. You can add extra insurance to it, if you feel that you need to! Unfortunately, I can not divulge the information of where my custom refractory panels come from, but I assure you that such a place exists! They do it full time and professionally using the same materials that the manufacturer of your pre-fab fireplace used in the first place! Hopefully this will be of some help to whoever may end up with these same issues!