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Hammer Down Previously on CSI: Miami. Previously on CSI: Miami. Body parts were found in Miami and a creepy guy was dragging a girl across country as she secretly left notes in rest stop bathrooms.A big rig tears down the freeway. The creepy driver swigs on his Big Gulp and ignores the noise of someone banging to get out of the compartment behind him. Baba Main Teri Patang Mp3 Download. In another car, a drunk man gets in a fight on the phone with his wife as he speeds down the road.The truck driver yells at his cargo to keep quiet as he reaches for a gun.The angry husband drops his phone and bends to get it, swerving into traffic. The woman busts free from inside the semi just as the car driver slams head on into the semi.Later.

Flack called Mack and Stella because the semi swerved out of its lane. There's an oil drum amid the debris. Flack opens it up and reveals a dead girl inside.She was killed 36 to 48 hours ago. She bled out somewhere else and was put in the drum.They take the body in the drum to the M.E.' She's in her underwear and there's a deep X cut into her side. Hammerback examines the body while Lindsay and Danny process the scene.Danny notices blood on the dashboard hula girl and inside the cab.

They open up the compartment the person was banging on from inside.Mac takes a look. There are bloody scratches on the inside, but no signs of sexual assault. They notice the door was damaged.

Mac wonders if that's what caused the crash.Dr. Hammerback reports that the victim's liver was removed while she was alive. She bled to death. They get to work looking for someone with AB positive blood getting a liver.Lindsay has an ID for the driver's prints. He's Casey Steele, a parolee with no reported address.Detective Flack interviews a witness in the hospital. Steele carjacked him after the accident and put a 20 something woman with dark hair in his back seat.

Ten miles down the road Steele made the driver pull over. Then he took his cell phone and wallet and shot him. Someone drove by seconds later and found him.Lindsay has ID'd Steele's prisoner as Madeline Briggs, a woman who went missing in Miami five days ago (and who we saw leaving a note in a restroom on Monday). A pee test shows she's pregnant.Adam comes in with the results of the fingerprint analysis from inside the sleeper cab.

The prints belong to Madeline and 'a lot' of other women. More than 20, from all over the country, including their Jane Doe.CSI's Ray Langston calls up. He shows them the note Madeline left in an Orlando truck stop.

The man who had her at the time was found shot in the head a day later. They do a quick test and find the bullet matches Steele's gun.A quick recap on the Zetas gang: they target women 19 to 25, lure them into prostitution or use them however they want for organs or forced surrogacy.Langston tells Mac he's not about to stop looking for Madeline now.

He'll be on the next flight to NYC. (It is a crossover, after all.)Cut to Mac greeting Langston at a helipad, telling him about a prisoner they made a deal with who shared a cell with a human trafficker.She tells them they travel at night and work around the clock, using semis. She doesn't recognize the name Steele or the Zetas.

She says it's the truck driver's job to keep the 'cargo' alive, but they kill girls who are too much trouble.Mac thinks the fact Madeline is pregnant might keep her alive because her baby might be worth something. Langston tries to figure out how to tell her mom what's going on. They swap war stories about how hard it is to deal with the death and breaking the news.In the lab, Dr. Hawkes found a patient with AB positive blood who just removed himself from the transplant list.Detective Flack heads to the hospital, where the doctor is about to begin surgery. He's not surprised to see Flack. He says if Flack arrests him now, the patient can die. Or he can wait until he's done with the operation.

Flack waits.Later in the station, the doctor tells Flack how it works. He makes a call, but doesn't know who he talks to, and later an organ shows up in a cooler.Dr. Hawkes is disgusted with the black market organ doctor and shows him the photos of dead Jane Doe, telling him how the harvesting works. He beats him over the head with the Hippocratic oath, David Caruso-style.The doctor gives Flack the number he calls.The team gets to work tracking the numbers on the list, most of which belong to doctors.Adam comes in, saying he got a hit on the carjack victim's cell phone. Steele's in a pharmacy.Flack and Hawkes pull up but Steele sees them and runs.

Flack chases him to, what else, a dark alley, where Steele jumps out and whacks him with something. Hawkes follows him up a fire escape, but Steele kicks him off and makes it to roof access door which he enters and locks behind him. Uniforms head to seal the exits.But Steele gets away. They find Steele was waiting for a sedative prescription. They think Madeline is still alive.

Flack gets a call that officers found the car Steele jacked around the corner. They check it out, but there's no sign of Madeline.They take the car back to the lab where it gets the blue light treatment. They also run tests on some dirt in the car which leads them to a scrap yard near Citi Field.On site, Langston reluctantly takes a gun. Dozens of officers storm the scrap yard, guns drawn. In a trailer, Mac opens a door and finds evidence that Madeline was held there.

Outside, Steele walks by an officer and shoots him. He takes off into the stacks of junk cars.Langston hops on a handy motor bikes and gives chase, following Steele as he runs along the hoods of old cars with Mac on foot behind him.Langston ditches the bike and cuts Steele off.

He and Mac disarm him. Steele says Madeline is 'gone.' Langston tries to convince Steele to make a deal to reveal where she is, but Steele says he's ready to go to jail.Langston calls Madeline's mom, breaking the non-news to her. She's convinced her daughter is dead.Cut to another trucker, driving down a dark highway. We see into the cab in back, where Madeline lies, bound and gagged, but alive. They pass a road sign: 13 miles to Las Vegas.(To be continued Thursday on CSI.) •.

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Kindly yours, FindVideo team. Episode #1: Summer in the City (air date: 2005-09-28) Stella and Danny investigate when a jewellery designer is found dead, wearing the eight million dollar bra he created, and investigate the model he had shot and her bodyguard. Aiden begins to take the rape case she has been working on a little too personally, and is determined to stop the man before he can rape again.

Hawkes gets to go into the field for the first time as he assists Mac in investigating the death of a man who liked to climb skyscrapers. Episode #2: Grand Murder at Central Station (air date: 2005-10-05) Stella and Danny are heading into the world of cuddle parties: non-sexual events were adults learn to touch and hug each other. Meanwhile, Mac, Hawkes, and Flack investigate the death of a hated plastic surgeon found covered with lye with thousands of eyewitnesses during rush hour at Grand Central Station. While Mac and Stella assist Aiden in a rape case, after she breaks an evidence seal, Mac must come to terms with Aiden's action and work up the nerve to fire her.

Episode #6: Youngblood (air date: 2005-11-02) When a man is found murdered in an elevator, Mac, Flack, Danny and Lindsay investigate a world where very young girls enjoy sexual encounters with much older men. Rapidsketch 2 5 Keygen Music. They're left trying to determine whether their best lead is a suspect, a witness. Or the intended victim.

Stella and Hawkes investigate the death of a young man found in Central Park who died from an extreme allergic reaction and learn that he had been pretending to be someone that he wasn't. Episode #7: Manhattan Manhunt (2) (air date: 2005-11-09) (Crossover episode with CSI: Miami, Season 4 Episode 7.) Horatio Caine follows Henry Darius to New York so that he can keep his promise to a young boy in Miami, but by the time he and Mac are able to locate Darius he has disappeared again, leaving behind six more bodies. A link to the younger sister of one of the victims who was also Darius' hostage turns out to be a dead end, but Mac and Horatio soon find the connection between Darius and his hostage, leading them to a psychiatrist who had treated both.

Episode #23: Heroes (air date: 2006-05-10) Mack and Danny find marine corporal dead but if things don't seem right about his death. They find a drop of blood on his sleeve new signs of a struggle and several medals on his uniform. They both wonder why the Marine didn't fight for his life. Stella, Lindsay, and Dr. Hawkes are all busy investigating a dead body in front of a car they believe the body to be that of Charles Wright. There is one slight problem Sid confirms that the body found in the car is not Charles Wright.

The body however in the car is a female. After Sheldon carefully begins facial reconstruction of the skull he would use a tool that will allow him to import this call into the computer so he can match a face to that skull. Sheldon comes up with a surprising result. The skull and the photo match that of Aiden Burn.