Nik Halik The Thrillionaire Pdf Creator

THE 7-DAY WEEKEND LIFESTYLE How to make Every Day a Sunday, Escape the 9-5 Rut and Live on Massive Passive Cash Flow NIK HALIK: Australia’s FIRST certified, flight qualified Civilian Astronaut and Multi-Millionaire Investor reveals HOW you can make the world your playground – by shaping your own financial destiny and creating a magical life. Nik Halik believes in living life to the fullest. He started life with the same dreams as many kids: be an astronaut, have lunch on the Titanic shipwreck, climb the highest mountains, explore the pyramids. The difference?

Nik didn’t let go of his dreams, he turned them into goals—and achieved them! A self-made Multi-Millionaire, Nik believes life is about the magic not about the materialism. He emotionally and financially inspires individuals from around the world by sharing his knowledge so they too can experience the thrill of living LIFE without limits. Pes 2010 Img Files Free Download. Nik Halik’s concept of becoming a Thrillionaire ® takes a new generation of individuals to a higher stratosphere. Welcome to the Thrillionaire ® Revolution, Nik Halik’s signature event. The Thrillionaire ® Revolution is part of the greater Thrillionaire ® movement sweeping change across the planet.

Meet Nik Halik The Thrillionaire. I will definitely stay informed of future Events and of these paths to help create financial independence. Nik Halik was.

It will communicate to your inner emotions and stir the fires of your soul. It will enrich your life and guide you to the keys of Mind and Wealth Prosperity. Soon, you will hold within yourself this principle of power that contains the solutions to a brighter future, a path to greatness and the formula for reaching your peak potential. • How to recession-proof yourself – by creating your own personal economy and stimulus plan. Gives you total peace of mind. • How to generate massive passive income while you sleep. Potentially replaces your job income. Use it and see the result for yourself. • The untold rules of the Money Game. How to win it and catapult yourself to financial freedom.

• How to turn your passion into cold-hard cash. Step-by-step, success blueprint revealed. • How to create a magical life and shape your own destiny. These inspiration secrets will change your life • How to disconnect yourself from the “System” of controlled thought patterns. Lets you free up yourself and unleash your real potential • How to recalibrate the “Hard Drive” of your mind and develop the Psychology of Excellence. Nik Halik was born in Melbourne. When he was a kid, he suffered from various medical problems, including asthma and chronic allergies. He was medically confined to his room.Every day, he would spend hours watching the other kids come back from school daydreaming of becoming “normal” and longing But when he was 8 years old, he did one simple thing that changed his life forever.

He took a pencil and a piece of paper. And then he wrote down the top ten goals he’d love to fulfil in his lifetime. Check out Nik’s list of goals on the website: MEET ELISE QUEVEDO Author of motivational book ‘Creating a Kick-Ass Attitude’, International Speaker and one of the greatest and most sought after Social Media Strategists and Managers in the world.

She is the founder of ‘ Social Media Global Enterprise’ She has been voted ‘Top 100 Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter’ by Evan Carmichael (seen in Fox, Forbes, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal amongst others.) who is known for helping over 14 million Entrepreneurs worldwide. Currently in the top 50, Elise has beaten the likes of UK’s former Dragon James Caan and CEO of Success Magazine Darren Hardy. Within those top 50 you can find authorities like Richard Branson, Mike Bloomberg, Robert Kiyosaki, Ivanka Trump and Martha Stuart. 2012 was a great year for Elise. She was Nick-named ‘Twitter Girl’ and ‘The Tony Robbins’ of Social Media. Cat Software Yaesu Ft 736r For Sale. As a result, she has helped businesses thrive on the internet marketing and many other industries raising their profiles. Clients include Hollywood Actors, International Restaurant Owners, Authors, Publishers, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, Speakers, TV Presenters, Real Estate gurus, Fashion Labels, Models, Film Production Companies, Hollywood Stuntmen, Charity foundations and has also seen her involved as a consultant in European Political Campaigns.

Elise’s specialized strategies have only been shared via special webinar training and live seminars around the globe. Those who take action are able to see results almost instantly thanks to Twitter. Elise’s team are personally trained by her as she believes her style is unique. Elise has an uncanny ability to build leaders not followers. With over 15 years experience in Network Marketing, Retail and Recruitment, Elise will blow your mind away.

She has spoken to audiences in USA, CAN, UK & SPAIN. She believes attitude and motivation are two of the main ingredients if you are striving to be successful. In her book ‘Creating a Kick-Ass Attitude’ available on amazon, Elise talks about the way attitude plays an integral part in each and every aspect of your life. She also developed something called The SMEQ ( Social Media Emotional Quotient), which is the art and influence of creating, attracting and building better business relationships via Social Media with the core being Twitter. Elise seems to have found the magic formula of combining her Kick Ass Attitude onto her Social Media trainings. So let her be the one to take you from ordinary to extraordinary. What you will discover: • Key Steps to Mastering LinkedIn • Top Tips for Facebook Business Success • Blogs vs Websites.

The truth revealed • How to get paid massive Cashflow just like many celebrities do using Twitter • How to get FREE traffic at the push of a button • How to have a Rockstar Brand Thanks to Twitter • How to get an unlimited supply of qualified leads and traffic from Twitter • How to create a business based on Twitter • Key Steps To Twitter Success • How to become an authority in your field to build credibility with 100’s of thousands of followers • BOOK NOW! All welcome – invite your friends and do them a big favour. Bring your kids and give them a proper education in reaching their potential and financial management – they don’t teach this stuff in schools! Nik is also speaking in London on 17 August. Book here: CONNECT WITH MASTERY PATH BY ‘LIKING’ OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.

Imagine for a moment that you are only eight years old. Now imagine writing your biggest dreams and aspirations on a sheet of paper. Common wisdom tells us that writing down our goals is a great practice. Few of us actually do it. Even fewer follow through and achieve those goals. Nik Halik’s To-Do List Nik Halik not only created his “to-do” list when he was eight years old, but he completed it, too! Well, almost.

“At eight years of age, I wrote the screenplay to my life and wrote: • To climb the highest mountains in the world—like Kilimanjaro and Everest • To become a millionaire • To sleep in King Tut’s tomb • To go into space in a rocket and walk on the moon • To run with the bulls in Spain • To own homes all over the world • To explore and travel to more than 100 countries • To go to the bottom of the ocean and have lunch on the Titanic • To become a rock star” Okaydid he do it? And he did most of it by the age of 40. To be truthful, there’s one item on that list that Nik has not yet completed: to walk on the moon. But Nik has every intention of taking that walk one day.

Self-Made Millionaire Nik Halik was born in Melbourne, Australia, to Greek immigrant parents, and is today a self-made multimillionaire, a high-adrenalin adventurer, a best-selling author, and a global wealth strategist who runs several companies. Nik is also the first to tell everyone: “People should feel good about themselves because of what they are, and what they do—not because of what they have in their garages.” Obstacles Were Significant That statement could be true about any one of us, but in Nik’s case, the obstacles were substantial. But that only makes his success all the more significant. He overcame his obstacles and challenges to live a life that most of us can only dream about.

Nik compares the first ten years of his life to that of the famous “boy in the bubble”—he was plagued with chronic allergies, asthma and other constant health issues. He talks about not having friends—the encyclopedia, he says, was his best friend. He Became an Independent Thinker “And thinking sparked something within me—I began to feel less sick and I made a conscious decision to overcome my illness.

That still works for me, and I would advise others to do the same. I really never looked back. I learned that even the smallest steps would get me closer to my goals.” You Don’t Need Money to Make Money When it comes to making money, Nik rejects one of the most popular notions: you need money to make money. “It takes experience and knowledge to make money.

If you lack experience and knowledge, then it does takes lots of money—and you take on lots of risk. But the more knowledge and experience you have, the less money you need, and the fewer risks you have to take. That’s why the rich get richer.” “People are often their own worst enemies with their lack of self-esteem. We all need to move out of our own ways.” “I was born rich in potential and inherited a host of obstacles along the way.” “At twelve years old I stopped listening to people’s B.S.” “What I believe holds people back is their lack of belief in themselves.” “You can’t leave your fate in the hands of others.” Take Responsibility for Yourself He advises: Create a daily achievement list: Write down the four “must-do” things for each day. Nik knows that an extraordinary life doesn’t usually happen by accident.

It takes drive and consistent effort on your part. No one can do it for you, because “excellence is the result of a commitment to competence.” It takes commitment to live life one step at a time. Nik urges people to “focus on each task completely, and then move on.” Maintaining Your Focus! Other people want to tell you what to do.

They try to tell you what’s important, and they can easily discourage or distract you from your dreams. But Nik simply says: “Get get to know yourself: What is your definite purpose?

Pursue a career of choice rather than settling for a ‘job’ of necessity.” He recognizes and appreciates the drama of a person overcoming the odds and achieving goals: There’s nothing better than a rags-to-riches story! “Dare to dream, live with passion and make life an epic journey.” “Your life’s story should be written by you! It’s your screen play.” “Don’t just exist—live your life! Stop putting off your dreams.” “Stay happy and healthy, and never neglect the ‘kid’ in you” My question: Have you taken the time to write your screenplay? Copyright 2014 Jerry Gladstone.