Usps Shipping Label 228 Template Monster

Step Go to the USPS website (see Resources) and select 'Click and Ship'. Opera Mini 8 Free Download For Nokia 2690 on this page. Click the 'SignUp' icon. Type a user name and password. Select a password hint question and type the answer. Confirm the answer and click 'Continue.' Select either 'Business' or 'Personal' as the account type.

Click 'Continue.' Step Add your contact information, including your name, address, phone number and email address. Click 'Continue.' Confirm your contact information and click 'Continue.' Click 'Yes' to agree to the site's terms of use. The main USPS shipping label screen appears. Step Click 'United States' and 'Go.'

In the return address field, select 'Same Return Address From Above.' In the delivery section, add the information for the recipient.

Add the weight for the package and select a shipping date. Click 'Continue.' Step Select one of the Priority Mail options. Notice the cost associated with each. The website displays the discounted cost for paying online versus paying retail at the post office. Click 'Continue.'

Step Review the shipping label in the shopping cart. Click 'Continue. Download Lagu Tanjung Perak Karaoke more. ' Enter payment details, including your credit-card and billing information. Click 'Confirm.'

This confirms your payment, after which you will see a prompt to print your shipping label. Click 'Print.' The USPS 228 label will print on your printer.

Get started using USPS.com by shopping or shipping. You have made changes to your label information that require rates to be recalculated. Priority Mail Goes Vertical. A new and improved March 2016 version of Priority Mail ® Label 228 makes shipping much easier.