Modern Siren Program By Rori Raye Have The Relationship

Have The Relationship You Want has 101 ratings and 8 reviews. Debunker said: Ok, back when i had a horrible break up with my then fiance 3 years ago, i g. It was from her own painful experiences that relationship coach Rori Raye learned the secret to helping a man fall in love and commit. Once she learned this.

Every one of us has a unique journey that love takes us on. A fabulous new class begins on January 8th, where you’ll learn a whole lot of new Tools and get personally coached through them by the great Mariah Grey! It’s called and it’s live coaching over video Zoom – this way, even if you turn your own camera off – you can see Mariah!

As you know, I’m “high” on all my Rori Raye Coaches, and only TWO of them have Siren School classes – Shahrzad’s is now closed and running and Mariah’s is just now opening – so be sure to check out Mariah’s “Be His Everything”! I’ll be there in the background, cheering you on, and if you and Mariah want to consult me – I’m here for for you! Here’s what Mariah says: “Your journey, no matter what it has been up to this point, has gotten you exactly where you need to be right now. I don’t believe in failure. I believe in lessons.

I am twice divorced, and if I look back, I would not be here today if I had missed a single step on my way. From Natalina Love, the Primary Coach on: Opening your heart, keeping an open heart, is not something we strive to do in only certain circumstances. When you’re feeling “shut-down,” wanting to stay closed – feeling the fear around not wanting your man you resent you for speaking how you feel What is that? Ask yourself these questions: Being resented feels _______________ When I say that word “resentment” where do I feel it in my body? I feel ________________ Would he resent me and stay anyway?

Is he so committed to our relationship – to what we have, that he would stay even to the extent that he. Hi, This is Rori – Have you ever felt like your heart was just – lumpy, heavy, small? Not depressed, not angry, not “down,” just more like an “ache”? When that happens to me, it’s like all I’m sewed up – like an embroidery or needlepoint. It feels like everything’s tight, nothing’s loose, and there’s an edge to every thought.

And – what I really notice is I can’t put my finger on the reason for it. I’ve figured out a way to make this work FOR me, so try it and let me know if it works for you: I started noticing when this feeling comes on that I’ve gotten triggered by something. I might be driving home from an appointment in a neighborhood that holds lots of memories for me – good ones and some weird old ones, or I might have met someone who looks like someone I once knew (doesn’t even have to be someone who once hurt me) – all that has to happen is that person brings back the TIME, long ago, when I felt bad.

Then I noticed, when I used my Tools and started relaxing parts of my body – shoulders first – a burst of sadness would come through me. You’d think the sadness would feel worse – but it doesn’t! Try it yourself. The sadness feels BETTER. It’s like a relief. It’s like you can RECOGNIZE the feeling, even if you don’t know why you’re feeling it. And then – here’s the really cool part – instead of going back to that time, or trying to figure out what’s bothering me in my HEAD, I DELIBERATELY continue to TRIGGER MYSELF.

That’s right – I make it worse. If you’re finding yourself focusing mostly on what’s “happened” instead of what’s happening right now; if you’re feeling unnoticed by men you’re interested in (and by life in general) – as if you’ve somehow got a “Cloak of Invisibility” around you – ->This is Shahrzad’s second, continuing session of her signature class, because it was completely filled the first time! The class was so healing, and so beloved, that almost all the students asked Shahrzad to keep going. And it’s starting TODAY! Y ou’ll not only get a whole new 4 Week Lesson Plan and Worksheets, you’ll have access to the first session’s Worksheets and recordings, along with Shahrzad’s Stop Feeling Invisible Manual! It’s all live coaching, face-to-face over video Zoom – so you’ll be able to see Shahrzad, even if you want to turn your own camera off.

There are only 2 spaces left, and Shahrzad starts Wednesday, December 20th. (Yes, I know the Holidays are right in that first week and then the second – AND, not only will Shahrzad be accomodating your schedule – she’ll help you get THROUGH the Holidays in a hugely happier and more powerful emotional place. Go here to find out more and grab your space (there are only 12 women maximum!). Why did I want to make it “worse”? The “When The Past Comes Back Hard Tool” Here’s what I do: If it’s the neighborhood, I’ll drive around, I’ll actually LOOK for triggers, looking to BRING OUT the feelings. I keep letting go of my shoulders and then there’s more sadness. And then I see it’s a bit gray outside more sadness. NOW, I’ll start talking to myself.

Try it: Ask yourself: “Okay, what’s going on here?” Perhaps you can put your finger on some things: “I feel nostalgic for an old time, and I’m starting to feel fear, as though I’m running backwards over my life because there’s a wall in front of me and my life’s about to end. I feel a doomsday feeling, where I don’t want to move another minute ahead in time – I just want to go back somewhere safe. Or – I’m thinking about HIM – a man who hurt me.” Try to keep it all about FEELINGS, about sensations in your body. * Really try to tune into your body instead of trying to THINK it through with your brain. * Keep “dropping into” your body and your heart. * Now just switch your focus to something that’s right in front of you. * A car, a tree, a blade of grass.

How To Edit Pdf Files Text there. * Experience how THAT feels. * Now, take a breath just for the “ritual” of it – and let yourself (you can do this!) “Fall In Love” with whatever feeling you’re feeling now. Once you discover how quickly feelings can change (or, as I like to say: “morph”) – you won’t feel so stuck. You’ll know there are ALWAYS feelings, and you don’t have to label them or judge them. The important thing is to just “ride” with them.

Just feel through them. Be sure to check out Shahrzad’s Stop Feeling Invisible And Be The Center Of His Life live coaching class. She’ll truly get behind you, no matter where you’re at now or how you’re feeling, and help you gently shift everything for 2018 AND – Shahrzad won’t “tell you to stop” doing ANYTHING in the old-fashioned way that doesn’t work! She’ll help you gently feel through it all in a way that will get you the results you want. We women are so smart these days, so frustratingly needing to be in control of ourselves, our environment and our emotions, working as hard in our offices as our ancestors did on the land, and yet feeling an odd sense of dissatisfaction.

As though it’s just not fulfilling. And it’s hard to put your finger on it – until you look at your love life. It’s like we were made to be on the receiving end of romance, affection, sexual energy, adoration and appreciation. To get personal, 24/7 coaching and support for your unique situation, LIVE in real time on Siren Island, We were meant to be invited to sit down, lay down, get comfy and do nothing while men simply take care. Jane loved a man named Jim, who was really happy with the way things were. “Leave things the way they are” was his messageonly things were going nowhere for Jane.

They had separate houses for over three years, he didn’t seem interested in marriage, he was loosey-goosey with their dating and how often they saw each other – and after she’d tried everything she knew, everything her friends told her – she came to Siren Island for coaching. Right off the bat, the difference between how the Rori Raye Coaching Method works and everything else Jane’d heard was totally obvious – and it nearly made Jane laugh in the middle of all her pain. What she’d expected from the Siren Island coaches was what she’d pretty much heard from everyone else: Leave him. Everyone she’d talked to before told her she should leave this man – because, well, it’s the obvious advice. Hi, This is Rori, Have you ever been in pain over a relationship, and a friend comes along and tells you to “relax” – and that just sounds to you like “suck it up” – or some other dismissive, easy thing for them to say? I’ve always felt even worse when someone says something like that, and so my work has always been about NOT denying your pain – but experiencing it, working with it, accepting it, feeling it, loving it, embracing it – and moving through it.

That’s why, when I develop a Tool that has anything to do with “positive thinking,” I want you to know how it fits in to my whole Rori Raye methods and techniques. I don’t even use the word: “ positive“! Instead of “labeling” anything at all (for me, labeling is an entirely mental – and therefore masculine –. Getting our needs met. This, to me, is what romantic relationship and meaningful work is all about, what we yearn for, what we feel depressed about, what we feel hopeless about or exhilarated about. Our needs are met.

Or they’re not. And – it’s not just ANY needs that we need to be met – it’s the ones that heighten our awareness and experience of everything else that’s good. There’s just nothing like love, romance, affection, attention, sex, appreciation of our work, appreciation at our work, and a nice paycheck It’s not good enough to have a roof over our head.

Ohwe’re grateful for it, we’re happy we’re not out in the cold – and, there are so many who are, and so many of us who’re AFRAID we MIGHT be out in the cold except for Grace – but it just doesn’t “float our boat” to be happy about having a roof over our head. We take the “everyday” for granted when we’re missing the big ticket items like love, romance, affection, partnership, a soulfull reason to get up in the morning and earn a living. And on a holiday where we’re supposed to be “thankful” – it’s really, really hard to be “thankful” when we. The Question: I’ve heard some coaches say we attract people as a mirror of us, I’m feeling a little confused as to what that means? My Answer: Forget about “mirrors” – because we have no idea who we are being half the time! Essentially, there are so many fuzzy ways to say these things, like “you attract who you’re being” So, whatever does THAT mean in a helpful way?! We’re all always being different ways!

Stick with the Falling in Love with your inner voices, your inner boy, and loving him and allowing him to take you places and serve you. Then – that’s who you’ll attract! If you’re constantly criticizing yourself, you’ll attract and be attracted to men who criticize you.

Stihl Chainsaw Serial Number Location. If you’re judgmental, same thing. If you feel bad about yourself and don’t fall in love with that voice, you’ll attract a man with similarly low self-esteem.

It’s all about being aware of all these different voices and pouring love on them, so that they don’t “run” you in an underground sort of way. That’s the secret. I was just written a lovely note about “Get Him Back” – with a question: “Isn’t ‘getting’ a man back a masculine thing?” In other words, does it seem like a violation of the feminine energy we are all about here at Siren School to “get” anything? And I thought about it quite a bit, because it never even occurred to me to see it as a leaning forward, masculine thingto me “getting” is the same as “having” or “receiving.” And then I realized that we all have learned to “go an d get” something. That “getting” is a process of striving, reaching, going after something”go get ’em, girl!”. Well, let’s completely turn that around.

How about “I get to have this.” “I got a gift.” “I get loved.” And there is “get a degree, get a job, get.”.so many things that we can see as a reaching out, going after – OR we can see it as “GIVEN TO US!!!!!” Going through college and having “earned” a degree can be seen in many ways. How did I “do” the work? Was it organic, natural and fun for me, or was I always in masculine energy striving and going after. This is the Business Siren message – that feeling the desire to express ourselves (yes, even in an exam!) shows up in the form of many accomplishments. What happens when you think of “getting” as “being given” – rather than “going and getting?” Love, R.

– Alicia did all this research and gave us a list and links of all my free video clips on www.youtube.com – it will help you so much if don’t already have the programsor just take a look at the list below: All the clips are around two minutes. Watch these or email this post to your friends. (click to get the full playlist) • • • • • • (click to get the full playlist) • • • • • • • (click to get the full playlist) • *MUST WATCH • *MUST WATCH • • • (click to get the full playlist) • • • • • • • • • • Alicia – again, thank you so much for this! I’ll try embedding them here, too – one at a timebut going to youtube rocks! Thanks Rori & Sirens!

My female perception just used Rori’s “outfits” to figure out what groups they belonged too. Since they were different for each program she taught. On youtube they are all mixed in together. My girl energy picked up on the clothes lol..

Kinda funny but it worked great for me 🙂 I opened two screens and would go back in fourth between the list I made. (might help) Or just go thru utube and follow the ones with her in the same top. Then pick a different top and watch all those and so on and so on. Fashion Senses my 7th sense.

The video’s are all so helpful! It feels so good to hear the message as well. Alicia, That’s really nice you did all that! I feel really good about helping Rori share her tools with women and help women to have the relationship they want! I have emailed “Delilah” of the Delilah Show to encourage her to check out Rori’s CD seminars and send people to her. Many people who call in look to Delilah for relationship advice. I keep picturing Rori on Delilah’s show as a guest, or at least for Delilah to recommend Rori to people who are looking for answers!

How do you feel about that? Dear Rori, Thank you so much for your generosity to all of us. Per previous commenters: It would be fabulous if Rori could get a spot on Oprah — I’ll sign a petition! Imagine a world movement to make better men and women — now that’s something that would reduce the level of misery in the world! I am looking forward to blocking some time to view your wonderful vids. I consider any time spent with you like going to “Sanity U.” You have helped me so much, and I tell everyone I can about you and your work. Bravissima 🙂 •.

Hello Rori, Sirens Im sorry for the misplacment of this question but its all i knew how to ask it. I love your insight and have used all Rori’s tools to end up in a relationship that I have enjoyed very much but has now become very difficult. I dated My man for a year and a half. From the very beginning I got a lot out of the relationship and he continued to offer more so I assume he was enjoying it just a much.

I let him know right away that I was not looking for a BF and that marriage was a goal/value for me. He also stated that he was not looking for a GF but did not see himself getting married anytime soon. ( I’m mid 20’s he just turned 30 ). He was hot so I slept with him after about a month. I continued to date other men for about 9 months.

I knew he was seeing another women (I checked his phone, he said they were just friends) but the relationship was serving me so well I/we kept it going. I have never had to chase him and he carries the relationship well. I stopped dating when he had all my free time tied up and I was relaxed and happy. We began to make intelligent plans for our future. Well at about the year mark, he was spending most nights at my home and we were getting closer and closer.

Marriage was on the table and he seemed excited about a solid 18 mont plan. I found that he was still talking to this women Friend from before and had in fact spent NYE with her. The text I read also indicated that he was telling her not to make plans for the two of them because he wont be around for that. Anyhow I was mad and told him to get all his stuff out of my house and to not come back anymore.

(This is weeks after I expressed my discomfort with him keeping contact with his “friend”) He left but came back in about two weeks pledging his faithfulness and initiating the commitment conversation. He gave me a few reasons why this women was still in his life and how complicated it was. Blah Blah I let him know that he would need to sever his ties with her in order for me to feel comfortable with dating him only. We ended up getting a place together. I got laid off my job and I noticed there was still contact ( mostly her calling him ).

I begin to unravel. My confidence went down the drain and I had too much time on my hands! I began making demands on him. Our communication broke down and our home was very tense. We had or biggest ugliest fight ever.

He kept saying nothing was going on and that she wanted more but he was not intrested and why am I so insecure. What happens next is a confrontation with this women where she confirms that for the last 4 months he has tried to distance himself from her. They were friends with benefits and she thought it would turn into something more. Things changed with them in Jan. She did not require them to be together but still wanted him in her life so she did things for him like giving him money and using her job with the county to pull strings for his business.

She told me that sex had stopped but he still saw her maybe once a week. She admitted to sending him naked pics the night before because she missed him and he had not returned her calls (this was the night of our big fight where he finally said he would not talk to this women any more. I knew then it was just out of frustration). She told me that in return he sent her pics of his body parts back, and agreed to take her to the airport the next night.

I was outrage by his conduct although I could see a clear difference in our relationship that theirs. That day he told her he could not see her anymore and that he was wrong for letting this get out of hand and that he loved me and wanted to be with me. Blah I kicked him out of our place two days later in a nasty non-siren fashion. This was a brake up. He felt that I gave up on him and kicked him out because he made a stupid mistake and that he had not touched that woman since he solidified our relationship.

He said that he would not look back He came back a few days later and stayed with me for 4 nights, no sex. He was frustrated with the rejection and asked me what I wanted from him I gave him a “no friends w/ benefits good relationship commitment” speech. He said “ok” and left. For the next 2 weeks I did not contact him.

He txt me a few times and called twice. I know he was dating during this time, and that he tried to have sex with another women. I was taking care of myself in other ways.

Now a bit over a month later he is back he stays with me every night for 3 weeks we go on fantastic dates back to back and are enjoying each other physically and emotionally again. I am unsure what to do.

I can forgive him but what is that saying about giving him permission? Can I transform this? I told him that I would not continue with him unless he could commit in a real way and he agreed but I feel as if I put myself all to willingly in the GF trap because the relationship is so wounded marriage is not on the table the way it once was. I still have resentment that I am trying to work out with him and myself.

He says that he still wants a future with me. He also said that is I had done the something he would leave even if his heart wanted to stay.

What does that mean I don’t know if I can trust him so I need some guidance on how to trust myself through this. I am not in denial about what happened and I do not want to be mistreated anymore.

Is there hope for this kind of re commitment to work? I KNOW he loves me deeply but am unsure if he is capable of the commitment he professed. I believe he also feels bad for hurting me and thinks that it will never be the same.

Can we heal this, is it worth it? Am I wasting my time? Do you think the thought of loosing me made him act right or is it all an ACT to keep me around??

In retrospect the first thing that comes to mind is DON’T EVER STOP DATING NO MATER HOW FAB HE IS!!!! I told my boyfriend to get out, I was stressed with all of the things he has done, he only care what he get’s he was suppose to get his grandfather’s car but after all his dad gave it to his other brother. He was stepped on like a rug and didn’t stick up for himself, I was hurt too and my boyfriend didn’t care, he only cares what he get’s and that is that after we were apart from each other we been dateing for 6 yrs I felt I couldn’t move on I been with him for so long, I took him back but thing’s are still the same way. Was that a mistake to take him back?

I did miss him but things are back to the same way again. Hi Rori, not sure if my situation is unique or not. I divorced and met up with an old male friend. Way back when we had been friends and had also had a sexual relationship.

Well after about 4 months of him calling me every day we had sex again. Now when i asked him he said he didn’t want to date anyone. But I told him I was looking for more.

I stopped being friends but have since picked the friendship back up. He calls me nearly ever day but still has never asked me out. Now I’m back to having sex with him and still trying to be his friend but i dont want to be just his buddy he has sex with I really care about this man and want to keep being friends but I question if that’s even possible for us after having an intimate relationship. How would you suggest me handling the situation with him? Rori, I met a very curious man.

From June to October, he was romantic, verbal, excited etc.we went away for a week. During the vacation he got distant, quiet and seemed like a different person. Upon returning, he stopped holding hands, seeming excited and was distant. He only texted – everyone -and rarely liked to call. In December after seeming him buy a card that looked like one for a woman, I asked him if he might be feeling depressed due to this being his first holiday since his divorce. He reacted strongly, texting me “I don’t want to talk about it” and didn’t call me for 2 weeks. Later after the holidays, when he saw me on a dating site, he asked to see me and of course, we tried it again.

Jan- June, now almost a year, we had highs and lows, one minute I was his soul mate, then another he was distant again. But, he texted me all day long, the content went from romantic to barely nice. One week from our 1 year, I broke it off saying I didn’t care for how he was treating me and he seemed to no longer care for me as he had. He wrote back that yes, his feelings were changing as he never got back after I accused him in December of buying the card for a woman! How can he go from loving and romantic to ice cold and then intermittently loving and not for another 6 months.

We only had that one disagreement! I am so puzzled. Dori – Welcome, and I’ve deleted your last name for your privacy.I’m so glad you did NOT stop dating other men during this time, you did SO the right thing ending it with him The “why” isn’t important here – what’s important is if a man can’t TALK with you about things. I would encourage you to read everything you can here and at least get my ebook Have The Relationship You Want (click on the photo over in the sidebar) so YOU can learn how to communicate in the most open and effective way – making it possible for a man to open up to communicating with you, too.

That said – communicating does NOT solve the problem of a man not being crazy about you enough to work through stuff – that’s just not in your power, and what serves us best is to ONLY date men who are unremittingly crazy about us. Love, Rori •. Hi Rori Thank u so much for all your emails they keep me on the right track. Every time I veer off it I receive an email from you and I stop and get back on track 🙂 One thing tho a week or two ago u sent an email re a video called. I can’t remember the whole title but it had reference to an Engagement ring it was about 55 minutes long.

I wasn’t able to view it as I had to get to work and then it slipped my mind 🙁 Now when I try to find the email it has vanished. Please post the link or send it to me Cheers Marisa x •.